How do I know the difference between real help and rescue syndrome?
Quite simply. One client came to me for a massage, she was 16 years old, a very beautiful girl. I gave her a moment to postpone and then I walked into the room, when I began to massage her back, I noticed that her spine rotates to the left, and that she misses three ribs. I felt so sorry for her, and I thought in my head, poor her, so beautiful girl, so young and already has such problems, I have to help her and give her more energy to regenerate because it needs to. It was my forth client that day, and I was quite tired already, but felt the energy fall down even more in that moment, but at that moment I realized two things. First, go through your strength and therefore has energy went rapidly downward as in the previous three clients who were also very Stuff and "wanted to help" and secondly, what I have a right to judge and regret it when about why it happened to her, and what she have to learn from it? That stopped me by this way and I give her classical massage and you know what, I was not so tired :) but full of energy same like her, becuase she just didnt take my energy but we was shareing it beetwen us not with ego but with love.
Help only on request
Quite often I have also done that I "helped" even though nobody told me tot, and what happened then, power went down again. Because nobody did not require assistance, and therefore did not accept the energy and it went in vain.
Learn to say no, give yourself space to think
If you are staring to working on this topic and you want to be a "good girl", learn to say no, or at least give you time to think, when you feel that, you re talking rescue syndrome. Just say someting like: let me think about it.
Turn it to yourself
Recommendations at the end. What in fact is yelling at you is a little man or girl who needs to be saved, you needs attention, so give it to yourself. At that moment, when we feel that you want to save someone, letʻs look at the situation closely, in most cases it is a topic that affects us, because we have processed it ourselves and that it resonates with us. When you have the area to resolve, you will know how to guide someone else as the beacon :)
Beautiful day to all with love
Eva Eywa Zelinová