
Cooperation, support and inspiration are a very important part of our life and also my Center, which aims to connect people to each other. And thatʻs why I created this section of similar and different servises here gave you contact to the people whose services I have used, and I were extremely happy with them. And so I love to recommend.There is a variety of services.

If you prefere live form I recomended SpoluFest (about cooperation between us).


Markéta Kočková - spirit art

Painting from bee wax, work is pure spirit. Work for order also for group consiousnes. Heart and consiousnes is open with work and channeling the frekvenc of information to the painting. Color is vibration and have a influence on all levels.

web site: 
cell phone:             + 420 777 330 373

Recomended: Markétka make the most beautiful painting which I ever saw. Had a spirit, make you balance on the topic you can ask for. Painting is like nice home supplement but also the quide of your life, I recomended Markétka from hole my heart.


The Meeting tearoom - calm oasis in the heart of the city

web site:                       

cell phone:                                 +420 603 436 262
address:                                     Vojtěšská 2, Praha 1
open time:                                       po-ne 16-22

Recomended: My favorite tearoom in Prague, from ones I know. Not only because there is the best servise, but also ther stuff are very knowlige of the tea and everything around it, very sweet. The quility of the tea is the best I try in tearooms and some of them they make them own. Thay also have a VIP saloon and projection tea which you can use for example for tea ritual together with your program. Also is there the possibility to buy seeds to your garde. 


Café element

Address:                  Vitkova 32 , Prague 8

Recommendation: Very happy to go here for a cup of delicious coffee for several reasons: the excellent quality of the coffee, pleasant and very friendly service, which makes a wonderful dot on the cake .

News and events

Center of regeneration and rebirth

sell phone: +420 725 817 969


opening hours: by appointment

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