Conscious work with essences

Why take the essence? They were created for our everyday lives, to compensate for emotional imbalance in the emotional field, to promote and enhance personal growth. Helping to peacefully release the emotional imbalance so that it gently into our inner being and shows us what we
are currently ready to see and change, stiff patterns of behavior that limit us in our happy life, which we took from our society. All essence they carry information about togetherness, mutual respect for
differences. The aim is to awaken consciousness, integrated personality.

Essence Araretama manufactures Sandra Epstein in the Atlantic rainforest, the largest biodiversity in the world.

What can I offer?
  • essence I can add to your facial or body treatments according to your plan
  • You can work with them in my courses of Conscious dance and  Conscious dances with horses as promoting personal growth and other courses
  • I can build a customized program (according to consultation, according to the Body mapping, etc ....)
  • Of course, you can compile the program even though you yourself ...... essence itself, for example by addressing the image or caption to the essence



ybá = will

desire and will x mpotence 

To have enough will to live and virility .

Strengthens our ability to indulge in pleasures. It brings hope, strength and vitality. It cleanses the aura. Intensifies perception, sexual vitality and experience orgasm. It allows you to open the unknown . May be helpful in diagnosis, acupuncture, shiatsu and massage.

We recommend :
Stress. Lack the element of fire, desire and sexual energy. Physical pain (external use). Fear of darkness and obscurity. Feelings of hopelessness .

Element: Fire
Chakras: 1.


Yaté = cycle

curiosity x compromise

To be able to resolve the issues you face. To learn to respect the cycle in which they are located.

It helps us to perceive, what we need to work on yourself and what you need to do to get better balance. Helpful in dealing with practical matters. Promotes group work. Brings clarity to both personal and transpersonal issues. It allows you to get rid of excessive heaviness of responsibility.

Lack of balance. Difficulties in organizing their own affairs. Stagnation. Alienation. The need for change. Lack of clarity and objectivity. Difficult working with others.

Element: Air and Earth
Chakras: 3., 5. and 7.


uirá = direction

Shrewdness, wit, flexibility. Unwavering persistence associated with piercing perception. Sense of attention and objectivity, accuracy. Sense of humor. The balance of intuition and the ability to act proactively.

Inflexibility in thought and action. Lack of attention and perseverance. Little sense of objectivity. Too much seriousness. Difficulties finding appropriate means to achieve their objective.

Element: fire, air
Chakras: 3., 5. and 6.


Thini-á = ease

release x regidita, impatience

To make you feel relaxed and free.

Strengthens the feeling of confidence and surrender. It brightens and brings lightness, ability to live in the present moment without fear of coming events. It promotes receptivity. It helps to recognize and release tension caused by internal conflicts.

Negative, bossy force. Fear. Rage. Sensibilities. A plethora of constantly repeating ideas. Uncertainty. Absorption of negative psychological feelings from the environment. Anxiety. Rigidity. Prejudices. Trouble opening up. Ambition. Excessive need for control.

Element: Air
Chakras: 7


Tauá = motivation

enthusiasm x collapse, exhaustion

To understand what motivates you and gives you a lot of energy.

It allows you to realize that the purpose of our lives is in our hands. Warns us of the importance of enthusiasm, the need to express it in everyday life. Strengthens our sensitivity to new environmental initiatives and positive values​​. Us aware of unproductivity certain patterns of behavior and helping us with their transformation.

Depression. Lack of enthusiasm. Pessimism. Having trouble finding motivation for life. Misunderstanding life cycle we go through. Fear of death. Fear of life.

Element: Fire
Chakras: 1., 3. , 5.


tassi = protection

stability x addiction

To live free from addictions and bad habits.

It brings confidence and protection. Improving the functioning of energy centers and pathways (chakra and nadi). It helps restoring damaged aura accident, physical or emotional injury, excessive alcohol or drug use. Strengthening confidence in the incarnation.

Emotional vulnerability. Panic syndromes. Injuries and accidents. Alcoholism. Psychic intoxication due to excessive use of psychiatric drugs. Drug addiction. Long-term use of sedatives.

Element: earth, fire, water, air
Chakras: 1., 3. and 7.


suri = truth, connection

connection x loneliness

They feel confident and able to work in a team.

Internal development, understanding and connection, understanding the uniqueness growing group - the unity and complexity of creating a network connection, depending cleanse formula.

For the new cycle, group work, creating the connection.

Element: earth, air, fire
Chakras: 1 to 7


soberania = self-esteem

self-esteem x hypersensitivity

To emanated personal power.

Reinforces our innate qualities. It helps us anchor the finest personal qualities. It allows you to set limits for what we want and what is not. It teaches us to peacefully express our feelings. Develop our self-esteem and self-love. It brings hope, based on inner faith.

Uncertainty. Low self-esteem. Fear be manifest. Pessimism. Refusing. Lack of strength in the face of a difficult situation. Subordination.

Element: Fire
Chakras: 2., 3.


seiva = prosperity

prosperity x lack 

You feel emotionally nourishing.

Releases emotional tension. Opens the heart and spread the spirituality flow through the body. Endows and nourishes. Strengthens the ability of donating other with joy and without a sense of sacrifice. Increases femininity. It promotes a sense of self-esteem and self-esteem. It encourages discovering love of self and the ability to love others. It awakens enthusiasm, creativity and fertility. It brings vitality and reassurance about your own beauty. Great for pregnancy.

Exhaustion and sudden feeling of emptiness. Destitution. Injuries and mental turmoil. The need for tenderness, tenderness. Conflicts with mother. Sadness caused by past events. Pessimism and negativity. Intense opposition to your own body. Shame.

Element: water, earth, fire
Chakras: 1., 2., 4.


rudá = balance

emotional metabolizer

Feel centered and emotionally balanced.

It supports the harmonious processing (assimilation) our life experiences and emotions that we need to grow. It helps us discover our innate abilities, our creative potential.

Inability to assimilate and accept the experience, the reality around. Feelings of discomfort, difficulty in studying or working. Accidents, depression, traumas .

Element: water, earth, fire, air
Chakras: 1 to 7


revelacao = exemption

liberation x blocks

You could realize that habits makes it difficult for you to be relaxed and relaxed.

Reveals the hidden barriers that prevent us from naturally occur. Increases our strength. Enhances the ability of perception; gentle, sensitive way expands our visible world. It supports smooth communication between the conscious and the subconscious. Promotes romantic feelings and attitudes and ability activates night dreaming. It supports the healing process. It shows where our own healing potential to enter into it, and how it manifested in everyday life. His healing power operates at a subconscious level. It has a diuretic effect and positively affects menstruation. Brings lightness.

Difficulty finding a direction that we should follow in life; uncertainty regarding professional career. Trouble understanding the patterns of our behavior. Problems with respect to its own internal rhythm. Difficulties with remembering dreams. Fluid retention. Dissatisfaction; frustration.

Element: water, air
Chakras: 2. and 7.


renescar = unification, courage

courage x fear and stagnation

To have enough courage to initiate new cycles and completed the previous ones.

It unites the dichotomy between thinking and feeling. It opens us to adopt their own nature. Leads to the unification of our conflicting feelings and to express themselves. Dissolve emotional blocks. It helps the process of learning from your own experiences. Supports confident start to the new life cycles, the path to rebirth. Great for childbirth.

Department of mental, spiritual and emotional side. Difficulty adapting to change. Substitution education, employment or housing. Inability to get rid of old traumatic memories. Nostalgia. Repeating mistakes. Problems with the study.

Element: earth, air
Chakras: 1 to 7


oyama = assertiveness

assertiveness x aggression, depression

To have enough strength and vitality.

To negotiate with the clear intention. Learn to distinguish your own feelings from the feelings of others. Strengthens the vitality and ability to assert itself. Raises confidence. Encourages love of self and the strength to be able in certain circumstances to say "no." It promotes honesty and trust in your own inner knowledge. Washes away distressing thoughts and feelings.

Small self-esteem. Depression, aggression, indecision, fear and anxiety. Warped psychic and spiritual experiences. Problems with personal discernment and the surrounding reality. Lack of energy, social pretense and masks.

Element: air, earth
Chakras: 1., 3., 6. and 7.


pyata = vitality, boundaries

vitality, boundaries x exhaustion 

To be strong, generous and at the same time respecting my own limits.

Releases passages blocked vital energy flow opens sexuality and fertility, helps with problems with the reproductive organs, promotes concentration and confidence in the incarnation, developing vital force and willpower, enhances the ability to cope with physical and emotional challenges. Increases resistance and immunity, the ability to fight and not to give up. It supports the ability to share.
Convalescence, sudden feelings of panic, lack of interest in life. Loneliness, loss of appetite, cowardly and humble attitude. Apprehension, frustration, fear of death, lack of energy and vitality, exhaustion, fatigue, inability to appreciate myself.

Element: earth, fire
Chakras: 1. and 4.


oriba = skills

orientation x confusion

To be who you are and the better understanding of ourselves.

It promotes understanding of the essence of our identity. Reinforces our original rhythm, seals and protects our sacred memory. We make our own creative potential, our hidden talents. We reveal what we really called. He teaches us a balanced breathing and directs the flow of tantric sexual energy. Helps problems with vulnerabilities.

Loss of sense of direction in their lives . Problems with who I am and what I want. Lack of goals in life. Fear of death. Destructive vulnerability. Denying the ability to heal itself.

Element: earth, fire, water, air
Chakras: 1 to 7


obaiti = concentration

concentration x indifference

To feel focused and be steadfast.

It helps to create the balance between right and left hemisphere of the brain. Promotes concentration, and the ability to listen carefully to others. Purifies and transforms obsolete behavior patterns, supports the unification of our desires with lifeʻs highest purpose. Excellent for decision and learning. ¨

I recommend:
Loss of concentration, hyperstimulation. Behaviors that impede growth, conditional and repeated mistakes. Problems with the study. Hostility and difficulty making decisions. Feeling dirt and defilement. Rigidity.

Element: water, air
Chakras: 3., 4., 6. and 7.

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Noronha = life

vitality, regeneration, renewal, cheerfulness, enthusiasm

deep exhaustion, a state without vitality and enthusiasm


moara = unconditional love

love x egoism

To feel and give love.

Raises awareness to the present moment. It brings self-awareness and unconditional love. Extends an endless flow of love emanating from the source of life. Dissolving rigid patterns of behavior calms an overactive mind and consciousness frees us from excessive worries. Works with vulnerability awakens a feeling of value and abundance. It develops a sense of team, group work. It teaches us to connect with it, what we desire, promotes altruism and trust of others.

Authoritarianism. Critical attitude towards others, egoism, the need to attract attention to ourself constantly. Irritability, impatience and jealousy, violent temper tantrums, hyperactivity, instability, emotional expressions possessive appropriation and manipulation. Trouble sharing, emotional non-fulfillment.

Element: earth, water, air
Chakras: 4.


marupiara = distinguish

clarity x projection

To be able to distinguish instead of condemnation.

Develop a holistic view of life, happiness, joy. It awakens a sense of team, strengthens intuition. Encourages teamwork and family activities. Refines the sixth chakra.

Lack of concentration due to excessive pedantry and adherence to detail. Verbosity. Exacerbated individualism. Mourning the loss of a positive vision. Pessimism. Lack of emotional nourishment.

Element: earth, fire, air
Chakras: 4. and 6.


mamoa = peace

calm x hyperactivity

To feel at peace and cared.

It provides a feeling of well-being, loving acceptance and tenderness. It promotes relaxation and quietness, bringing awareness of the importance of rhythmic breathing. It cleanses the behavior patterns that disturb our equilibrium, to refocus for better use of energy for our operations.

I recommend:
Hyperactivity. Stress the fact that I can live up to idealized images of themselves, scattered thoughts and actions. Problems with inner feelings and experiences. Tendency to take on too much responsibility and to participate in an excessive amount of activity. Lack of concentration, insomnia. 

Element: Air
Chakras: 2., 4., 6. and 7.


kundalini = communication, connection, community, balance

Stability x impulsiveness

To put into action your balance and perception .

It allows for a harmonious combination of our emotional female and male active site. Opens the energy channels along the spine and the energy centers of our body - chakras. Transforms the instinctive sexual desire and brings it to a metaphysical connection. It assures us of their own potential. He gives courage and ability to be a leader. It dissolves the barriers that prevent us from loving communication with all living. Directs restless actions and feelings of discomfort.

I recommend:
Loss of the sense of the sacred union between a man and a woman. Sexual inhibitions and limitations. The loss of faith in our own inner light. Doubts. Uncertainty. Hypersensitivity and vulnerability. Shyness, timidity. Impulsiveness. Excessive rigidity. Lack of communication.

Element: Water
Chakras: 1 to 7


Jumping child = transformation, spontaneity

spontaneity x shyness

You feel joyous and spontaneous.

Opens the source of our enthusiasm. Brings joy in life, the joy of living in the present moment. Develops spontaneous self-expression. It brings feelings of happiness and sense of humor. Transforms stagnant emotions into positive feelings. They teach us how to avoid unwanted experience. Helpful in depression (anxiety, loneliness, melancholy). Significantly energizes the fourth chakra and spreads her energy throughout the body. Promotes fluency of verbal expression. Those who are extremely scattered, provides internal support and helps with concentration.

I recommend:
Laziness. Depression. Difficulties in expressing feelings. Fear of the commenting and I will not be misunderstood. Too serious behavior. Loss of courage. Stagnation. Sadness and pessimism. Fears of criticism around. Shyness. Lack of sense of humor, play and enjoy entertainment. Loneliness. Disconnecting from practical matters of everyday life.

Element: Earth
Chakras: 1, 4 and 5.


Indaiá = innocence

innocence x abuse

To accept their frailty and innocence.

Reveals and enhances our natural innocence. Dissolves the compulsive thought patterns. Treat pain caused by lack of self-esteem. It opens the way to humility and compassion. It helps to cope with sexual abuse and emotional injuries; changing conceptualization of sexuality from the unclean to the sacred. Dissolves social masks.

I recommend:
Compulsive and repetitive thoughts. Their suppression and repression associated with that behavior. Egocentricity. Autism. Fear publicly manifest. Fears of sexual and emotional openness. Hypersensitivity .

Element: water and air
Chakras: 1., 2., 4. and 7.


imbe = commitment, trust, flowing

Peace x anxiety

To silenced mind and rested.

Incites in us the ability to give and surrender based on trust. Comes into contact with our emotional field, with our "internal waters" and releases the flow of internal energy. Opens the inner vision, facilitates meditation and deep breathing. It contributes to peace in the human soul. Enables access to the sacred inner space. Raises confidence in the whole process of incarnation. Dissolves blocks from the crown after the root chakra. Creates a strong connection between the second chakra energy points and wrists. Helps in overcoming conflicts and difficulties of everyday life, and when we start to panic.

I recommend:
Compulsive appetite (for food, sweets, alcohol ...), addiction, difficulties in establishing contacts, sleeplessness, overactive mind, phobia of water, fear of intimacy

Element: earth, water
Chakras: 2. and 7.

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embó rudá = pleasure

sensuality x repression, oppression

To feel sensual and lived with pleasure.

Activates sensory channels. Promotes sexuality and fertility. It connects us to the ground. Supports ability to trust your own incarnation and be able to flow with the flow of life. It enables one to understand the value of the life process as a way towards meeting the targets. It awakens the pleasure of growth and of opening to another person. It provides massage internal organs in the vicinity of the second chakra (ovaries, uterus and kidneys). Strengthens gold and silver thread, essential for life and soul. Our bodily movements lends elegance.

I recommend:
Insulation. Lack of connection, rooted in life and in relationships with others. Difficulties in combining sexuality and sensuality. Problems with menstruation. Pessimism. Impatience. Concentration problems. Lack of sensitivity .

Element: Earth
Chakras: 1., 2. and 7.


eloah = clarity, brightness

Protection and strength. A source who keeps everything in unity and It allows for a harmonious combination of male and female elements. Way to connect our primordial goddess. Supports intuition, our inner voice and opening the internal dialogue. Mental and emotional clarity, synchronicity.

I recommend:

Difficulty making decisions, confusion, lack of concentration, egomania, insecurity, lack of flexibility and creativity, difficulty in expressing inner feelings.

Element: water, air, fire, earth

Chakras: 1., 2. , 3. , 6.


Deli = perception

noble and graceful movement, perception, opening the dreams, deepen sensitivity and empathy, femininity

I recommend:

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Celebracao = Confidence in transformation, wisdom

Self-confidence x uncertainty

To have enough confidence and at the same time be willing to constantly learn.

It helps us acquire confidence in times when going through significant changes. It enables you to identify and clarify the negative thought patterns. Produces naturally confident and comfortable in daily life. It encourages us to joy and celebrate of life. Develops the ability to express. Brings light into our inner being, cleanses and expands it. Opens the way for expressions of inner wisdom.

I recommend :
Submissiveness. Doubts and hesitations; uncertainty. Lack of self-confidence. A dearth of ideas and impulses. Lack of enjoyment of life. Excessive vulnerability. Loneliness and lack of hope . Difficulty expressing thoughts and feelings. Until dependence on sects, religions and masters .

Element: fire, air
Chakras: 3., 5., 7.


Cajú = fertility, creativity

Positive x stagnant

To be creative and confident in the transitional period.

Boosts vitality and leads us toward joy, what brings us happiness. Excellent for physical and metaphysical fertility to menopause and andropause. Develop creativity. Leadeth us from stagnation to rebirth. Excellent for pregnancy.

I recommend:
Sadness, feelings of guilt. Lack of energy and creativity. Infertility. Menopause and andropause. Terminating the life cycles with a lack of enthusiasm for new beginnings .

Element: earth, fire
Chakras: 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.


Cajá = action

power, action, reaction, protection

I recommend:
fear, fragility, vulnerability


Bromelie 2 = wisdom

resolve x ambivalence

To be able to end the conflict and opted for the best result. Connect sexuality and spirituality. It awakens the kundalini energy. Develops feminine aspects of our being. It allows us to connect with our instincts without fear. Clarifies sexual identity. Frees hidden feelings and emotions, it is harmoniously integrates consciousness. Induces balance in the heart. It open our spirituality without fanatic attitudes. Brings peace and humility .

We recommend:
Envy, jealousy, suspicion, negative thinking. Repressed aggression. Tyranny and domination. Problems with the development of compassion. Unanchored spirituality. Shame for our own sexuality. Speeches ambivalent and contradictory behavior.

Keywords: unification, wisdom
Element: earth, fire
Chakras: 1., 4. , 7.


Bromelie 1 = opening

opening x control

To be able to open without fear.

Supports intuitive feminine side of the personality. Leads to a complete physical and emotional relaxation; It has the power to dissolve a deeply rooted resistance in the soul. It acts on the emotional upset and balances the flow of adrenaline. Supports deep and quiet breathing. Offering flexibility. Released during the massage .
We recommend:
Mental and emotional rigidity. Overwork, stress and tension. Fanatical approach or excessive discipline; repression. Fear. Arrogance.

Keywords: receptivity, openness
Element: water, air
Chakras: 1. -  7.


Assa = tenderness

Gratitude x loneliness

For all cases of emotional injury.

It opens gratitude and compassion; promotes forgiveness and generosity. Works with internal victims. Strengthens self-love. Cleans negative psychological patterns that block our growth. Cleanse and harmonize the chakras. Creating a balance between sensitivity and strength.

We recommend at:
Jealousy. Feelings of guilt. Sexual and emotional abuse. Feelings of inferiority and self-destruct tendencies. Sense of failure rivalry. Subjection to your own negativity. Annoyance and grief. Egocentricity. Feelings of injustice and self-pity. Difficulty accepting the success of others . Dissatisfaction with yourself. Pain and suffering. Need attention.

Keywords: appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, tenderness
Element: water, air
Chakras: 2. and 4.

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Araryba = integrity

Productivity x waste of time

To be able to concentrate and develop projects.

It helps in understanding the fateful mission and desire of our souls, makes us stronger in its implementation. It promotes alertness, sense of balance, alertness and concentration. It gives order to our thinking and provides a global view. Transmits an inspiration to the physical level. Excellent for the realization of projects. Opens our inner space and disposes us to generosity. Increases the ability of extrasensory perception. It prepares us to meet with the divine. Protects .

We recommend:
When hypersensitivity caused by environmental stress. Lack of balance and concentration. When fear of claustrophobia. Difficulties with the perception of the whole. Disconnecting from the physical body. Suspicion in relation to the group .

Keywords: integrity, mission, anchor
Element: earth, fire, air
Chakras: 1., 3., 5., 6., 7.

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Center of regeneration and rebirth

sell phone: +420 725 817 969


opening hours: by appointment

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